Our Learning Support Staff
Department Head: Kate Gorsline
Learning Support Teacher: Megan Knight
Educational Assistant: Debbie Boville
Student access to the sign-up form for accommodations in the Learning Support Centre (Alternate setting): Test/Assignment Sign-up
Help with Anxiety
Help with the transition to college and university: Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
Our Philosophy:
We provide academic, physical, emotional, and/or behavioural support to students with exceptionalities. We take a collaborative approach, working closely with students, parents and colleagues to provide all students with opportunities for achievement and success.
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Consistency
- Flexibility
The LSC is a multi-purpose space with a variety of areas suitable for independent and group work. Learning Support Teachers work collaboratively with EAs and subject teachers to enhance student learning.
Student Supports Offered:
- IEP development and review
- Daily/weekly/monthly check-ins
- Organizational support and strategies
- SEA Training and Support
- Alternative settings and work space for tests/assignments
- Tutorials and mini-workshops
- Transition activities/planning
- Group sessions: exam preparation and study skills
- Acquisition of e-texts (AERO)
- Collaboration with subject teachers, Guidance Counsellors and Student Success teachers as needed
- Individualized support
- Support for students dealing with chronic and/or acute health issues
Staff Supports Offered:
- Classroom support as needed
- Information and strategies relating to specific exceptionalities (Autism, LD, AD(H)D, Physical Disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Blind and Low Vision)
- Alternative settings and work space for tests/assignments and small group support
- SEA Training and support
- Mini-workshops and support with the implementation of IEP accommodations
For Parents:
Subject-specific questions relating to course content or course assessment and evaluation should be directed to the classroom teacher as a first step. Similarly, timetable questions and/or requests for timetable changes must go through the student’s counsellor in Student Services.