Our School
Bell High School, home to the Bell Bruins, is a composite school situated on the edge of the beautiful NCC parkland, bordering Lynwood Village in Bells Corners near the junction of the Queensway and Highway 416. Rich in culture, our school continues to grow and features academic programs meeting the needs of all learners.
For over fifty-five years Bell has fostered excellence in student achievement. Named after Richard (Dick) Bell, a local politician, Bell High School was constructed in 1962 by the Carleton Board of Education, and is now a part of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). In 2017, Bell became a grades 7-12 school. Some of our alumni include John Manley, Steve Yzerman, John Baird, Allison Korn.
The core of our work together in this community is captured by the PRIDE acronym, which stands for perseverance, respect, integrity, diversity, and excellence. Our goal is to help our students move beyond our community, wherever their pathway may lead them. Be it the world of work, or a post-secondary setting, students should leave the school with a sense of mission and the confidence to make our world a better place.

This fall student enrolment at Bell High School exceeds 1000 students. Our students come from across the western half of the city since we are a congregated gifted school. Bell is also proud to offer a strong program for English Language Learners (ELLs) and English as a Second Language (ESL). Supporting their success and that of international students who choose Bell is central to our vision as a learning organization. Our diversity is our strength. We are a community school that serves students from our neighbourhood and from around the world. Bell is also the home of a wonderful program that supports the learning of students with developmental disabilities. Daily, this very special group of students reminds us of the power of gratitude. Their integration into the life of our school enriches our interactions and further supports our core values.
We value the diverse skills, cultural perspectives, and backgrounds of all of our staff. Our team includes custodial and office personnel, more than 80 teachers, educational assistants, technicians, and our administrative team. Together, we support many extraordinary opportunities for our students. Our performing arts programs provide excellent performance opportunities for our students through dramatic productions and both vocal and instrumental musical performances. Throughout the year, students also enjoy many extracurricular competitions. Ultimately, we are committed to extending our horizons. This year alone, our team has supported student excursions that included: the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, the Stratford Festival, a trip to British Columbia, and a tour of China.
The Bell High School Council is comprised of an active dedicated group of parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, community representatives, and students. Working together to enhance educational opportunities for our students, the group meets on the last Monday of each month to discuss relevant OCDSB issues pertaining to secondary education and to advise the principal on many matters affecting students. New members are always welcome! For further information please contact the school office.

Mission Statement
At Bell High School, we foster excellence in individuals of all abilities, backgrounds, and cultures, in a supportive, respectful and nurturing environment. Our mascot, a brown bear sports the Bell Bruin colours, red and black, with PRIDE. Our school motto is “Vitam Impendere Vero: Seek Truth in Life”.
Academic Programs
As the lone quadruple track school in the district, our programs include English, French Immersion, Gifted/Gifted French Immersion, and ESL. A varied timetable includes program offerings in Technology, Fine Arts, and Outdoor Education. We also support a range of Advanced Placement (AP) examinations for students. Our Student Services Department features educational, career, and personal counselling, both in the classroom and on an individual basis. Extensive opportunities are available to students for career exploration through the Co-operative Education and OYAP programs. We are also expanding DUAL credit opportunities for students through a partnership with Algonquin College.
Special Education and ESL Programs
As a school, Bell is proud to support all pupils with exceptionalities. In addition, we are a congregated gifted centre supporting more than 400 students with giftedness. Our students with exceptional educational needs are supported by a devoted Special Education Resource Staff through a hybrid model. Our focus is on integration; students also receive small group instruction as necessary.
Additionally, Bell features an excellent English as a Second Language program. Five levels of English language instruction are complemented by academic courses offered exclusively to English as a Second Language (ESL) students. These congregated course sections deliver curriculum to support English Language Learners (ELLs) with their language acquisition and their academic goals. Teaching staff in this area are essential to supporting our determined efforts to enhance student success for all students.
Clubs and Activities
A wide range of interscholastic teams and intramural programs provide students with essential learning in the multiple areas that correspond with their interests and aptitudes. These activities speak to our belief that success is to be found in many ways and through many activities including direct instruction.
We have an intramural athletics program offers a wide variety of activities for students of all ages and abilities during the lunch hour. A number of our teams have achieved success at the regional and provincial level, most recently Cross-Country running, Badminton, Alpine Skiing, Track and Field, and Rugby. To find current information and to access the calendars, please visit the Athletics page which is updated regularly.
We are proud to have so many clubs available to our students. From learning languages, to playing games, our school truly has a club for everyone. Please visit our Clubs page for a full list of clubs available to students this year.
Our arts programs offer a variety of vocal and instrumental music groups, drama performances, and musicals. Check out the Bell Dance, and Visual Arts websites for the latest and greatest information on upcoming events.
Facilities and Resources
Our outdoor facilities include several playing fields, access to an on-site indoor arena, and over 10 kilometres of trails spanning the Greenbelt. While our classrooms and hallways are spacious and infused with natural light they are also beautifully decorated to represent the cultural mosaic of Bell’s students. We are very fortunate to have an excellent Library and Information Centre fitted with current information technology equipment. Our double gymnasium has stadium seating which allows for whole school assemblies and ceremonies such as our Academic Awards ceremony. Bell also has a dance studio, an art studio, two music studios, and a drama studio. Our technical area includes information technology, computer engineering, transportation technology, construction technology, technological design, and communication technology. We are currently renovating our building and space to make them more accessible.
Safe Schools Initiatives
The Bell High School Code of Conduct was developed by students, parents, and teachers. The code is printed in the student agenda which we issue to every student in September. Our Bell slogan, “PRIDE Lives Here” is becoming a key artifact of our school culture. The acronym PRIDE stands for: perseverance, respect, integrity, diversity, and excellence. These are the important attributes that we value and expect in and from each other throughout our school community. Our many partners in the community are also essential to our efforts. These partners support awareness and greater understanding of how we overcome challenges. The partners include a Rideauwood Counselor, a Multicultural Liaison Officer, and a School Resource Officer from the Ottawa Police.