Gifted Program at Bell HS

Gifted Program at Bell HS

Gifted Program at Bell slideshow (presented on January 15th, 2025 at Bell's Welcome to High School night)



OCDSB Secondary Specialized Gifted Program at Bell HS - FAQs

FAQ 1: What are the general characteristics of Gifted learners?

Students with a Giftedness exceptionality may demonstrate all or some of the following characteristics: 

  • quick mastery of new skills and concepts
  • advanced vocabulary
  • superior judgment and reasoning abilities
  • a strong sense of ethics and values
  • original, flexible and fluent thinking   

FAQ 2: Can any student be in the Gifted program?

The program has an application process that is overseen by a committee in each site - a school psychologist, the site Gifted coordinator, and the principal

FAQ 3: Are different expectations assessed for Gifted students? 

Students in the Gifted program are assessed only on the Ministry expectations for a course, not on the additional opportunities that are provided. 

FAQ 4:  How many students at Bell are in the Gifted program?

Bell has just under 150 students in the Gifted program (about 20%) of our total population

FAQ 5: Does a Gifted identification follow a student to post-secondary?

All students in the Gifted program have an IEP with a Gifted identification. It is the only exceptionality that doesn’t carry over to post-secondary. 

FAQ 6: Does every school have a Gifted program? 

The OCDSB has only 3 sites that offer a secondary Specialized Gifted Program: Bell HS, Lisgar CI, and Glebe CI.  At Bell, we offer the English and Immersion Gifted programs.

FAQ 7: What is a dual* Gifted learner?

A dual Gifted learner has one or more exceptionalities in addition to the gifted designation, such as a Learning Disability or Autism. Our Learning Support Teachers work collaboratively with the student and subject teachers to ensure that appropriate accommodations are in place in the IEP and are supported in the classroom. Students are expected to manage the curriculum expectations of the gifted program, while receiving the necessary accommodations for the other exceptionality.           
*also referred to as a twice (thrice) exceptional learner

FAQ 8: Are all Gifted classes congregated at Bell?

No - In a split Gifted/Non-Gifted class, individual subject teachers will accommodate the Gifted learner(s) through opportunities with more breadth and depth. This may include, but is not limited to, extension activities and/or self-directed learning.