Our Learning Support Staff
Department Head: Kate Gorsline
Learning Support Teacher: Megan Knight
Students needing extra time or alternative space can sign up to take their tests in the resource room using the Alternate Test Space Sign Up Form.
Help with Anxiety
Help with the transition to college and university: Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
Our Philosophy:
We provide academic, physical, emotional, and/or behavioural support to students with exceptionalities. We take a collaborative approach, working closely with students, parents and colleagues to provide all students with opportunities for achievement and success.
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Consistency
- Flexibility
The LSC is a multi-purpose space with a variety of areas suitable for independent and group work. Learning Support Teachers work collaboratively with EAs and subject teachers to enhance student learning.
Student Supports Offered:
- IEP development and review
- Daily/weekly/monthly check-ins
- Organizational support and strategies
- SEA Training and Support
- Alternative settings and work space for tests/assignments
- Tutorials and mini-workshops
- Transition activities/planning
- Group sessions: exam preparation and study skills
- Acquisition of e-texts (AERO)
- Collaboration with subject teachers, Guidance Counsellors and Student Success teachers as needed
- Individualized support
- Support for students dealing with chronic and/or acute health issues
Staff Supports Offered:
- Classroom support as needed
- Information and strategies relating to specific exceptionalities (Autism, LD, AD(H)D, Physical Disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Blind and Low Vision)
- Alternative settings and work space for tests/assignments and small group support
- SEA Training and support
- Mini-workshops and support with the implementation of IEP accommodations
For Parents:
Subject-specific questions relating to course content or course assessment and evaluation should be directed to the classroom teacher as a first step. Similarly, timetable questions and/or requests for timetable changes must go through the student’s counsellor in Student Services.